A good strategy is best when its approach includes short, mid and longer periods.
It serves to ensure that all stakeholders know what the goal is, and which measures will be implemented when.
Your strategy for corporate communications should be defined and followed, as priorities can quickly be lost in the heat of day-to-day business demands.
Together with you, we’ll develop a communications strategy, tailor-made for your company, your ecosystem, and your target groups. This involves a bit of time but is essential to achieve the goals you seek.
What goals are important to you?
#more leads
Since the definition of a lead varies from company to company, consider this definition:
a lead is a very specific contact request that results in an offer or a sale.
Our goal is to create maximum awareness in a very specific target group.
The target group has usually been defined in previous market research or by empirical data – it is very willing to buy.
#more applicants
Actually, the same applies with potential employees as with leads. Except that you will be dealing with likely applicants for a longer time span. This target group can’t always be narrowed down so specifically and needs to be addressed via completely different channels.
Nevertheless, a good job offer should be just as eye-catching as an advertisement. Key is the company brand image, as this will significantly influence the quality of the applicants.
#more brand awareness
A distinct and easily recognizable brand leads to higher market perception. It usually also generates both more leads/sales and applicants. You may not be always ready to deliver your product or service, but you still need to be perceived as a vibrant market player.
Moreover, you may need to prove to your investors that demand is healthy and growing, or you know that you and your company thrives on being positioned as a thought, technology or market leader in the industry.